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Download Access Virus Editor & Librarian
Hardware Editor and Librarian for Access Virus (all models).
It is time to reconnect – don’t leave the hardware behind
Hardware requirements
– Any of the following Access Virus models: A, B, KB, Indigo, Rack, Classic, C, KC, Indigo 2, Rack XL, TI, TI Snow, TI2 or TI Pølar
– MIDI Interface with SysEx support OR
– Direct USB connection to computer
Virus TI users with macOS 10.15 or greater:
Option #1: Use our “Virus TI USB Plugin I/O” driver after install. USB Audio stream works too. Full details here.
Option #2: Unplug the USB from the Virus TI and use regular MIDI cables.
Option #3: Get a good USB to MIDI interface, like ESI MIDIMATE EX
Latest version: 25-01-24 | 2025-Jan-24
User Manual
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FULL Downloads require license purchase from our store.
Demo Limitations to be aware of:
- Parameters can not be automated from your DAW.
- Parameter MIDI CC Mapping is disabled.
- Parts 2-15 are disabled (if applicable).
- Total Recall is disabled.
- UI Data can not be saved or loaded.
- MIDI CC Mapping Data can not be saved or loaded.
- Librarian Bank Edits can not be saved.
- Librarian "Store Data to Hardware" is disabled.
- Demo can not be registered.
Install and Launch instructions
Download the installer for macOS or Windows.
- Extract the zip file on Windows.
Open the installer executable and run it.
- Select VST2 and VST3 location with Windows installer.
- Read the hardware and DAW configuration guides from our documentation site. Link below.
If you have banks you've purchased for the specific product, copy them to:
~/Music/AURA Plugins/(product name)/Patches/ folder.
- Open the plugin or Standalone application and you can view your banks in the Patch Librarian tab.
- Enjoy and support our continuous development via!
Available plug-in formats
- VST2 (Windows 64-bit | macOS 64-bit *1)
- VST3 (Windows 64-bit | macOS 64-bit *1)
- AAX (Windows 64-bit | macOS 64-bit *1)
- AudioUnit (macOS 64-bit *1)
- Standalone Application (Windows 64-bit | macOS 64-bit *1)
*1) Intel and Apple Silicon support
System requirements
Windows 7 - 11 (64 bit)
macOS 10.12 (High Sierra) or greater - Intel and Apple Silicon with or without Rosetta 2
OpenGL 2.1 or newer support on the graphics card chipset, with latest graphics card drivers provided by the card vendor.
Please ensure system and DAW compatibility with the plug-in or standalone application DEMO before committing to purchasing a full license. All purchases are final.
VST is a trademark and software of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
Recent changes:
[ New ] Atomizer Mode control now available for Virus TI users in FX / SETTINGS #2 tab.
[ New ] When Filter, LFO or Vocoder Link is toggled on, linked parameters are set in parallel or offset from each other. Offset option can be set via Utilities menu.
[ New ] If Hypersaw is selected in Osc 1 or Osc 2, ”sync 2>1” text changes to ”x-sync”.
[ New ] Added X-Sync Frequency controller for Osc 1 when Hypersaw is selected.
[ New ] MIDI ports are checked frequently to detect connection status.
[ Fixed ] If Device ID is set manually from Multimode Settings before settings MIDI ports, hardware detection works as expected.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Delay Clock mode didn’t draw layers correctly.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Librarian Data button came visible after search was closed.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Controls didn't send out values in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Solo and Mute toggles didn't work as expected.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Layers were shown even when they were not supposed to.
[ Other ] Improved librarian requests.
[ Other ] Improved parameter drawing when controls are adjusted.
[ Other ] Various performance improvements.
Complete change log:
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