Access Virus Editor Osc Filter Env Model C

Access Virus Editor & Librarian update!

Native Apple Silicon Support, USB MIDI support for macOS 10.12 and greater.

Native AAX, AudioUnit, VST, VST3 and Standalone App for macOS and Windows available.

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    I rarely do reviews, but I wanted to help anyone who is thinking of buying this product and has a configuration similar to mine. I use Ableton Live 12 on Windows 10 and have a Virus B. Even after reading the manual, the reviews and the AURA tutorials page on youtube, I still couldn't figure out how to simultaneously control the Virus B with VST3 in Ableton and sequence out the various parts avaiable in MULTI-SINGLE mode. I didn't even know if it was possible! Well, I'm not a software engineer, nor do I know these products in depth, but the following setup worked for me and I wanted to share it. The problem seems to be that Windows doesn't allow two different software applications to open/control the same midi port from a physical midi interface, at the same time. The manual recommends using the physical midi ports in the plugin and disabling them in the Ableton options to avoid conflicts. In the tutorials, it is suggested to use the MIDIOX + LoopMIDI/LoopBe1 combo to route the physical midi ports to "one" virtual midi port that you would use to sequence midi out from other midi tracks in Ableton. However, on Windows, you either open the physical midi ports in MIDIOX or in the Plugin... Fortunately, after much trial and error, I managed to do it and I can say that it is possible! I was successful first using the Bome MIDI Translator Pro software, and then also with the MIDIOX + LoopMIDI/LoopBe1 combo. The secret is to create not "one" but "two" virtual bidirectional midi ports. One of them you will use in the plugin and the other to send midi out signals. Create them, with midi inputs and outputs, using LoopMIDI and/or Loopbe1, and then route them both to the same physical midi port, using MIDIOX. It was also necessary to activate the "Toggle Passing SysEX" button in the MIDIOX top menu (or bottom right). Bome MIDI Translator Pro allows you to create the two virtual ports and establish the midi merge (2 virtual -> same physical) within the same software, but it is a paid application. Once you have created this configuration, go to Ableton and place Virus HE Editor VST3 on a midi track. On this track, disable the midi inputs and unarm the track. In Ableton's midi options, disable the physical midi ports where your Virus B is connected and also the first of the virtual midi ports created (this one you will use for the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT inputs of the VIRUS HE Editor). But enable the second virtual midi port created (this one you will use to send midi sequences out and automation out to Virus B). Then create as many additional midi tracks as necessary, each with its own chosen midi channel and the second virtual midi port selected in the "MIDI To" track section. Apparently this product was originally developed to meet the demands of Mac users whose Virus TI control program stopped working, since Apple does not focus on reverse compatibility for software and Access has stopped updating its software. I am grateful that the developer has created a version for PC users as well. However, having to use other software in the Windows environment to fully access the multitimbrality of Virus B indicates that there is still room for improvement. In the meantime, it would be interesting to publish an updated tutorial for Windows users, as a PDF or in the company's YouTube channel ( - the newest tutorials I found there are from 6 years ago ... In any case, for the developer team: Fantastic Work! Keep it up! I bet there are still thousands of virus owners around the world and they would all love to have an editor like this one you are working on!
    Israel B.
    4 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    Access Virus Editor - for me it's an opportunity to understand the synthesizer and create new sounds. Thank you very much!
    Sasha Y.
    5 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    I can only have good things to say about the editor. Even though it is expensive, it is worth the money. I use it on Win11 Pro and Mac OS Sequoia. It works very stable and I simply enjoy editing the Virus , mostly in standalone. I also liked the UI/UX. It's straightforward and, in my opinion, you don't need a manual to learn how to use the app. The personal contact with the owner and software developer was also first class. In this respect, the purchase was worthwhile for me (Virus TI Desktop, Virus TI 2 KB). Great software.
    tom p.
    5 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    The product adds additional options to your hardware. But my experience was that it required a bit research and trial and error. When you get it to work it offers many new options, plus more presets!
    Hans H.
    4 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    The best solution to Access no longer supporting the Ti Editor Software. Better yet complete functionality with all previous Virus Synths. Perfectly suits the studio demands. I am running on MACOS for both the Virus Darkstar Ti2 and Virus Ti Snow.
    CHRIS J.
    5 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    Is everything here a slam dunk? No, not really. Are there some cool sounds that are getting used? Why yes, yes there are. Feeling good overall.
    Jonathan K.
    4 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Soundset "Galacticus"

    Not perfect by any stretch, but it does what I need it to do. Wasn't quite as intuitive as the hydrasynth software - which I feel is the gold standard right now - but once I spent some time with it, I've got no real complaints. And the Virus truly is a spectacular instrument: with the Aura plugin, it has the modern conveniences I've come to appreciate.
    Jonathan K.
    4 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    I use the editor with Virus TI Polar on a Mac Mini M1. It still has some bugs and sometimes crashes Ableton. Still, I can abide that because it does what it does so well. I have got streaming via USB to work as well, following the instructions on this site. However, that does not work flawlessly, longer midi notes seem to result in dropouts. I’m not a great fan of the graphics with rack screws et c, I prefer apps to look like apps (like Ableton does). Excellent customer support via the Discord server. All in all it’s a great asset to the Virus, especially on a Mac. If you are a Mac user and buy a Virus TI, the editor is money well invested. But I do hope some of the bugs will be sorted in coming versions.
    Daniel W.
    4 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

    Crashes so often its pretty much unusable... Zero support from author - he never answers emails or Discord posts.
    Richard J.
    1 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Clavia Nord 2 Editor and Librarian (1 / 2 / 2X)

    I have a Virus TI (mkI) in tandem with both Logic X and Pro Tools on an M2 based Mac, this plugin has really breathed life back into my TI. Especially since I was able to restore the audio over USB integration. Main takeaways for me: a plugin that can control every aspect of the virus via both DAWs mentioned, a librarian, and instructions that restored the USB audio from the virus (6 mono or 3 stereo, have not played w/ USB input to the virus, yet). Read the manual and notes carefully and take your time before installation. The plugin is a bit heavy on resources but it brings your aging friend back to the table.
    Joe T.
    5 out of 5
    Verified buyer

    Access Virus Editor and Librarian

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