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Novation SN Editor and Librarian

(18 customer reviews)

$ 49.95

Sale Ends when v3 is ready - v3 update is free for all users!
v3 status: in queue

Novation SN Editor & Librarian is designed to control 1st generation Novation Nova Desktop or Novation Supernova Rack hardware synthesizers right from your DAW.

This plug-in works as AudioUnit and/or VST plug-in in all DAWs. Download the DEMO today, read the setup guide and give it a go, it will be worth it!

Compatible with:
Novation Nova Desktop and Novation Supernova Rack
Plug-in Format:
AudioUnit | VST
Plug-in bit depth:
32-bit | 64-bit
Minimum OS:
Windows 7 | macOS 10.7
with Plug-in Format compatible host
Other Notes:
AAX, VST3 and Standalone are in development
32-bit support will be discontinued with v3 release

All prices exclude VAT/Tax. Global customers are exempt.
For EU customers, VAT will be added at checkout or enter a valid VAT number if you have one.

SKU: aura-novation-sn-editor Category: Tags: , Brand: , ,

Novation SN Editor Intro

Novation SN Editor & Librarian is designed to control your Novation SN right from your DAW. With our Editor, you can work with your Novation Nova / Supernova Rack by the same way you use your virtual instrument plug-ins. Our Editor will recall your patch settings when you open your project and the data will be sent to your Nova / Supernova automatically once you open your project. Your synthesizer is always synchronized with your session! The only thing you need to worry, is that you power-up your synthesizer.

Novation Supernova Rack, Nova Desktop and Novation SN Editor

Novation Supernova Rack, Nova Desktop and Novation SN Editor

Faster workflow

Novation SN Editor brings hardware integration to modern Digital Audio Workstation environments. Novation SN Editor & Librarian plug-in works seamlessly with all Novation Nova Desktop / Novation Supernova Rack synthesizers.

It is now much faster to scroll thru sounds and make tweaks within your DAW. Automate parameters with real hardware control names. The best part is, our Editor saves all the data within the project and when you reopen the project, all of the used data gets sent to your hardware, automatically! No more waiting with loading or transferring hardware data. Save time – welcome Total Recall.

  • Control Novation Nova / Supernova synthesizer directly from your DAW.
  • Automate almost every parameter directly from your DAW.
  • No need to remember CC’s for each knobs / per synthesizer. Goodbye sticky notes!
  • Load, Edit and Store patches into hardware memory or in your HDD personal library.
  • Store any Novation Nova / Supernova / Nova II / Supernova II compatible soundset in your HDD library folder and browse it from our plugin.
  • Send banks or individual patches from librarian to hardware.
  • Request banks or individual patches from hardware to librarian.
  • Total Recall: When you reopen your project, all of the data used in it, will be sent to the hardware, automatically!

Check Specifications tab for more info about the Editor capabilities.

Realistic Bi-directional Graphical User Interface

Our graphical user interface design has been made to make everything from sound design to patch editing as smooth as possible. When you move a slider, push a button or twist a knob in your hardware, software will respond at appropriate layer/part.

Use sections locks with Randomizer function to create complex sounds while keeping the best settings untouched.

Save time, as all the edits are stored within the project, so once the project is opened up again, Total Recall will send the data to hardware automatically.

Novation SN Editor Oscillators Supernova Rack

Novation SN Editor Oscillators Supernova Rack

Novation SN Editor Patch Librarian Nova

Novation SN Editor Patch Librarian Nova

Patch and Multi mode management

Novation SN Editor comes with ability to control all 6 / 8 parts from the single plug-in instance. This means, you can have a different patches on different layers and play them at the same time, or individually.


You can send patches from Patch Librarian to your selected Part:

  • Click any PART and double click a patch on the librarian to send the patch to the selected part.
  • Click different PART to send another patch for different part, simple as that!


Novation SN Editor and Automation

With FULL version of Novation SN Editor & Librarian, you can automate almost every parameter right from your DAW without having to remember all of the MIDI CC’s.This can be done easily by setting your DAW automation to Write or Latch mode and then turning the knob from the hardware or the plug-in.

Some of the SysEx parameters are not available due to a lot bandwidth taken from the MIDI cable.

Check DAW Config Guides tab below to learn more about DAW Automation.

Novation SN Editor and Automation

Novation SN Editor and Automation


#novationsneditor in Social Media

Novation SN Editor and Librarian support has been moved to https://docs.auraplugins.com/ See you there!
#NovationSNEditor #novationsn #novationnova #novadesktop #supernovarack

3 0

How about some early demo tomorrow for our No ation Supernova editor? #supernova #sn2 #snxeditor #supernova2 #midi #nrpn @wearenovation ...

17 1

#snxeditor lfo & mod matrix page completed. Fx page to revise and beta shall be ready! 🙌🏻👌🏻💪🏻 #supernova #supernovaii #midi #nrpn #sysex ...

10 1

#snxeditor beta will be shipping in few hours! Make the connection, again. Stay tuned! @wearenovation #supernova #supernova2 #supernovaii ...

27 0

#snxeditor fx page completed. Going to write a new track tomorrow woth this and #novaxeditor to chase down bugs for beta release! #novationmusic #supernova #supernovaii #novadesktop #novakeyboard ...

18 1

Twins ready for war! #snxeditor for nova and supernova, while #sn2xeditor is for nova II and supernova II - #novaxeditor will be abandoned, it is now known as snx due to compatibility issues. @wearenovation ...

18 3

Make the connection, again. Our #snxeditor works with #novadesktop and #supernovarack - we are almost ready - stay tuned 🙌🏻 @wearenovation ...

32 2

On sunday august 26th, we will release updates for #virushceditor and #snxeditor - virus editor has few improvements and fixes while snx has connection errors fixed. Yess! #gearslutz #supernova #accessvirus ...

47 0

I might have to delay #snxeditor update until tomorrow evening. Found so many issues that i’m better off focus on those with fresh brains and time. Buttons, knobs and connections issues will be sorted 😌 #novationsupernova #supernovarack ...

31 0

Friday and still working! #snxeditor and #sn2xeditor updates in the makes. The update list is quite long... would require another post. Stay tuned for v0.9.8 🙂 ...

25 1

Novation SNX v0.9.8 available now. A lot fixes made, more features to come! #snxeditor @wearenovation #novadesktop #supernovarack #novationsupernova ...

34 0

Tomorrow is a big day for #snxeditor and #sn2xeditor owners. Big update with librarian support, randomizer and a lot lore! 🤩 @wearenovation #supernovarack #novadesktop #supernova2 ...

39 0

Novation #ultranova #supernovarack #supernovaii #novadesktop - is that just a bit overshooting? No if you want to open ultranova presets in #snxeditor or in #sn2xeditor 💪🏻 aaand sn1/2 presets in upcoming ultra/mininova editor @wearenovation ...

44 6

Shop is back online with endof19 coupon code 🤩 link in bio! #nl2xreditor #ms2kxreditor #virushceditor #jp80x0editor #bloxeditor #qxreditor #microqxreditor #microkxreditor #snxeditor #sn2xeditor #pulsexeditor ...

13 1

I wasnt that satisfied with the previous version so here is a Analog trance update for 2019. ...

67 4

What you CAN do with our Editor:

  • Control your Novation Nova / Supernova series hardware synthesizer directly from your DAW.
  • Edit almost every parameter of your synthesizer from single SNX plug-in instance.
  • We added a bit more than 1900 parameters to the plugin (6 Nova parts / 8 Supernova parts) so the sound editing should be painless and quick task.
  • Automate almost every CC parameter in your DAW.
  • Easier to handle automations than trying to remember hundreds of #CC’s.
  • Layer multiple patches to create massive leads or such.
  • Mute, adjust levels, panning, outputs and such from the plugin, per channel.
  • Parameters that are available for automation will be listed on your DAW. (Ableton Live and other DAWs sees our parameters, when parameter is touched).
  • Total Recall of the sounds used when loading project containing our plug-in.
  • All of the current parameters from the plugin will be sent to the hardwares temp memory up on project reload!
  • Time saver when thinking about storing, naming and loading data from multiple hardwares per project.
  • Plugin reacts to hardware knob movements and displays knob, menu and button values within the plugin display.
  • Store banks to your Nova / Supernova-series from the librarian.
  • Store patches to your Nova / Supernova-series from the librarian.
  • Request banks from your Nova / Supernova-series to the librarian.
  • Request patches from your Nova / Supernova-series to the librarian.
  • Store requested or modified bank data to your own library (on your HDD).
  • View & edit patch name in plug-in interface.
  • View & edit category name in plug-in interface.
  • Librarian supports MIDI and SysEx soundset formats across all Nova / Supernova, Nova II and Supernova II models.
  • Select next or previous librarian patch from hardware.
  • Select next or previous hardware patch from librarian.
  • Move patches from one bank to another and save as you like.
  • You can send patches from the plug-in to your synthesizers Temp memory buffer OR you can write user memory slots through our plug-in.
  • Download and import all of the Nova / Supernova / Nova II and Supernova II series soundsets in one folder for quick access through the plugin.
  • Each part can have its own patch.
  • Each part has its own parameters which you can automate from your DAW.

What our Editor can NOT do:

  • Transmit any audio. You have to plug your Synthesizers audio jacks into your mixer in order to hear the sound.
  • You can not remotely start and / or shut down your Synthesizer.

Operating system specified settings / limits:

Windows limitations

Since Windows platform CAN NOT share resources between applications, it is important that you disable the MIDI input and output from your DAWs settings which you are intending to use with our Editor. If you leave the port open, our Editor will see it and once you click to use it, it might crash your DAW and you will lose your data. Link down below!

macOS limitations

macOS works “out from the box” with resource sharing, you are good to go once you insert the plugin into your DAW. However, our plugin can cause you a MIDI loop if you leave the port open / unfiltered from your hardware to your DAW. You can set various filters in your DAW.


  • Novation Nova Desktop / Supernova Rack hardware synth (1st generation).
    Novation Nova | Novation Supernova
  • MIDI interface (cheap interfaces will not work).
  • macOS 10.6 or later with AudioUnit or VST host.
  • Windows XP or later with VSTi 2.4 compliant host.
  • at least 1500×757 pixel resolution on your display.

What you get up on purchase:

  • Mystery Islands Music SN Editor & Librarian for macOS and Windows platforms.
    AudioUnit and VST included for both, 32 and 64 bit DAWs.
  • Personal activation key, which is downloadable from “Downloads” page after purchase.
  • Full access to free updates, which can be downloaded from "Downloads" page after purchase.
  • Novation Nova / Supernova Rack Preset Banks included.


  • As long as you have purchased valid license from our store, you are entitled to support and updates.
  • Note that version 3 update is free and it is currently under development. Version 4 update will be paid update.
  • Our Documentation & Knowledge Base can be accessed below:

Digital Audio Workstation Guides

Setting MIDI Devices

macos sound and midi setup sml

Setting MIDI Devices Configuration Guide

Ableton Live

Ableton Live Config 23

Ableton Live Configuration Guide

Apple Logic Pro

Apple Logic Config 18 Jani Mac Pro 2013

Apple Logic Pro Configuration Guide

AVID Pro Tools

AVID Pro Tools Config 41

AVID Pro Tools Configuration Guide

Bitwig Studio

Bitwig Studio Config 18

Bitwig Studio Configuration Guide

Cockos Reaper

Cockos Reaper Config 21

Cockos Reaper Configuration Guide

Image-Line Fruity Loops

Image Line FL Studio Config 11

Image-Line Fruity Loops Studio Configuration Guide

MOTU Digital Performer

MOTU Digital Performer Config 22

MOTU Digital Performer Configuration Guide

PreSonus Studio One

PreSonus Studio One Config 19

PreSonus Studio One Configuration Guide

Reason Studios Reason

Reason Studios Reason Config 24

Reason Studios Reason Configuration Guide


Renoise Config 15

Renoise Configuration Guide

Steinberg Cubase

Steinberg Cubase Config 22

Steinberg Cubase Configuration Guide

Check out our YouTube channel for Instruction videos. We don’t have many of them, due to a lot of changes in the Editor Core system. Once all Editor version 3 releases are out, we will update the video content.

Editor Support Documents are available in https://docs.auraplugins.com

What our Customers think

3.94 out of 5 stars

18 reviews

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- AURA Plugins Team

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Ko-fi is a platform to connect with us, but with option to buy us a cup of coffee, or multiple if you like.

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What others are saying

  1. Jos J. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    I am starting to try out, but wanted to thanks the company and specially Jani for his support. LOOKS Great

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  2. Vesa A. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Moi, mulla ei kummankaan (Blox ja Nova)
    Lisenssit päivity oikein, vaikka ne on mun mielestä oikein libraryssä asennettuna
    Molemmat herjaa jotain lisenssistä.
    Intel mac ja monterey+ uusin logic

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  3. Steven c. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Awsome! Follow the online imtructions and be good to go. Don’t use cheap midi devices tho or it wont work, audio interfaces with midi built in should be fine.

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  4. Michael F. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    In my case, when i activate the apr the sound disappears. Arp on-Sound is off, any help is precious

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  5. Lee S. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    I was able to get the plugin to control my hardware synth with automation, which was amazing, but the plugin crashes Ableton 11 after a few minutes of use, and Mystery Islands hasn’t responded to my emails for troubleshooting. So yeah I definitely do NOT recommend, do I even need to say that I would like a refund?

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  6. rafku k. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Best editors out there.
    I already have for Roland, Nord lead, Blofeld and now novation.
    Free update and very nice. Also with each one they give you a bank of sounds.

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  7. fabio a. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Is quite handy but could be better for the price. It crashes sometimes, there is no arpegiator editor.

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  8. regis d. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    midi configuration hard, almost impossible to set up. Very difficult to integrate in existing set up no clear and easy video tutorial (really need somes)

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  9. paul d. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Can t get it to register , can u help

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  10. Na N. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    I had problem with licence file but now all working like dream. Issue was on my side, because I have multi user Mac and I just simply don’t found app folder under my account. Sorted today and I’m happy I have this amazing piece of software in my lab. Thank you Jani for your hardworking and patience with people like me 🤪

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  11. Marcus T. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    I would like more parameters to be animatable, like all the FX controls.

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  12. Taketo K. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    I’ve just bought my SN1. I totally trust your plug-in, and looking forward to use my gear and your plug-in in my tunes.

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  13. Yann L. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Very good GUI, probably the best for this synth. I would have given five stars if oscillators and lfo waveform selection buttons were actually working…

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  14. Angelo R. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer


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  15. Mauricio U. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    amazing editor! finally someone made it easier to use this monster synth. Recomended!

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  16. robert e. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    Great software! Mostly works well with hardware. A little clunky at times, but opens up SN to new levels. I would like to see banks A-D accessible at all times, instead of just 2 at a time. I’m hoping with updates there will be some resolution. Looking forward to it!
    Thanks again. Great product!!!

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  17. Fabio B. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    This editor is absolutely amazing, finally I can get the best from my vintage synth. No crashes, no glitches, simply perfect.

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  18. Danny d. (verified owner)

    Verified buyer

    It’s hard to make a fair review since a lot of features are not implemented. However ik looks very promising.

    Was this helpful? 0 0 Report

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- AURA Plugins Team

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With continuous support and development, Novation SN Editor & Librarian is the best investment for your Novation Nova Desktop or Supernova Rack.

(18 customer reviews)

$ 49.95

Sale Ends when v3 is ready - v3 update is free for all users!
v3 status: in queue

All prices exclude VAT/Tax. Global customers are exempt.
For EU customers, VAT will be added at checkout or enter a valid VAT number if you have one.

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