Long Awaited JP-80×0 Editor Update
Now that the update ball is rolling, we’ve made a decision to publish our Roland JP-80×0 Editor for you. Our BETA team made excellent observations and we were able to fix the build issues almost instantly.
Since this is not yet FINAL release, there is no manual included. But saying that, this is very much production ready and beats the h*ck out of the previous version!
What to expect from this update?
That is a very hard question to answer. But let’s say this version loads much faster, doesn’t crash your sessions and recalls data as expected. I mean, that says a lot!
We included Roland SH-201 import and Roland GAIA SH-01 import function to this version. Import function might be imperfect yet, but we will tweak it along the way if needed. There are differences between the 3 in oscillators, filters and modulation so you should’t expect 1:1 import in any case..
Remember to backup your project if you used the old version previously.
Change Log and Downloads
This version is NOT backwards compatible with v2.x.! To get the whole picture of the recent update: read the change log for what has changed – This will help you understand what we have done under the hood and if something seems broken, it actually might be just that some folders are re-located or some.
You can download the v24.01.27 update from https://auraplugins.com/downloads/roland-jp-80×0-editor/
Until next time!